Away Day Review: FC Thun - 18/8/11

Last updated : 22 August 2011 By Dan Buxton

Well 40 hours on a coach in 2 days is pretty bloody funny if im being honest. Not that comfortable but it is a coach after all.
Left Trentham at 3pm Wednesday, caught the 21:20 ferry to Calais and then drove the night through France-Belgium-Luxemburg-Germany and France again into Switzerland.

On the way back we flew through the roads in Europe and hit by sever traffic when back in England- took us over 8 hours to get back from Dover. 7/10


New ground and it is not too bad, spacious and clean. 5/10


From us it was great, doing the SOM at half time and up to the stands was cracking. 8/10

Pies and Pints

Non alcoholic beer- yeah right.
Had a bratwurst though which was very nice for 6.50 6/10

Performance and Result

Good result away from home with the team we had, not a bad performance but I think it could of been at least 2. Still we look well on top and look the favourites to go through to the group stages. 6/10